Thursday, July 31, 2008

Can't Get Back to Twitter Fast Enough....

Let's be clear: we need labels, but labels are often imprecise or short-sighted. And I may be guilty of both in what I'm calling this blog. Since most of you who find yourselves here do so via Twitter I'm not going to explain it. But I may change it if I think of something better or if Twitter someday goes up to the big FAILWHALE in the sky.

Thanks to two people especially, for encouraging me to blog: @JuliaGoolia and @JessicaKnows. (You'll kick yourselves later).

And for inspiration, thank you @CalamityJen and @Fabgirl (credit given grudingly to the latter...).

Now, about the word "blog." I don't like this label. Like Kramer, it's a hipster doofus. And it certainly isn't what I plan to do here. This will be an outlet with a purpose, not a blog. This will not be historical, personal, regular, practical, or marketable. It will be observational, opinionated, conversational, and probably shallow. And it may be topical, political, logical (Acceptable, respectable, presentable, a vegetable!).

Besides, I've already claimed that "Twitter is my blog" and what's worse than self-cannibalization? (Especially when more effort is required?)

So what's the purpose, exactly? I'm not sure. It's partly to write, partly to be read, and in between to have something happen. So we'll see...

Tweet Wannabes...
I don't like "post" either—but one can only be so obsessive before it begins to double back on you.

If you have a more artful way to describe "outlet with a purpose," please let me know. (And OWAP or OPLOG won't cut it).

I tried to find a word that means "self-cannibalization" but no luck. Suggestions? (And, no, "eat me" is not a word.)

Tip o' the Hat to Supertramp....